Members of the HTC, regularly enrolled in the Association official site. This category is free of annual fee and receive 5% discount in all Courses, Meetings, Congresses and related scientific HTC activities.
Those Members could progress for the next Member`s category participating in official HTC courses, meetings, congresses and others scientific activities, when the sum of the system points will reach 50 points. Each particular activity has your own value in points and this one will be informed immediately when the scientific activities will be released.
Example: each course in all official HTC Training Centers around the world give 10 (ten) points for the Member.
Associate Members do not need with to contribute with the annual fee.

This category could be reached by:
- Direct subscrition in the official HTC site;
- Progression through points system from Associate Member (it is necessary to reach 50 points to advance for this category).
The FHTC is entitle to receive:
- an exclusive CERTIFICATE;
- a special DIGITAL STAMP to be added in the member`s social network profiles;
- *20% DISCOUNT for any HTC course in all HTC Training Centers around the world, as well as in all HTC oficial Meetings and Congresses;
- unprecedented opportunity to do a 15 days Fellowship with outstandingProfessors around the world – click here to know the available Services;
More advantages will be added according to the time.
The FHTC must contribute with a fee of 50 US dollars per year.

This category could be reached by:
- Progression through points system from Associate Member
- (50 points to pass from AHTC to FHTC and than 30 points more to reach HC-HTC – TOTAL of 80 points).
- Title of PhD and/or Professor
The HC-HTC is entitle to receive:
- An HALSTED MEMBER CARD – this card will give to the HC-HTC exclusive discounts in fellow companies, related or not to the surgical field;
- an exclusive CERTIFICATE;
- a special DIGITAL STAMP to be added in the member`s social network profiles;
- *25% DESCOUNT for any HTC course in all HTC Training Centers around the world, as well as in all HTC oficial Meetings and Congresses;
- unprecedented opportunity to do a 15 days Fellowship with outstandingProfessors around the world – click here to know the available Services;
The HC-HTC must contribute with a fee of 50 US dollars per year.

All International Executive Committee Members, as well as all members of the HTC Continental Boards are part of this category.
During the annual International Executive Committee Meeting until 10 new HC-HTC could be elected.
The criteria to select those individuals are : (a) possess an international reputation in the field of surgery or medicine, or (b) have rendered distinguished humanitarian services, especially in the field of medical Science, but not limited to this area.
The AC-HTC is entitle to receive:
- An ASKLEPIUS MEMBER CARD – this card will give to the LHTC very exclusive discounts in fellow companies, related or not to the surgical field;
- an exclusive CERTIFICATE;
- a special DIGITAL STAMP to be added in the member`s social network profiles;
- Free presence for any HTC course in all HTC Training Centers around the world, as well as in all HTC oficial Meetings and Congresses;
- unprecedented opportunity to do a 15 days Fellowship with outstandingProfessors around the world – click here to know the available Services;
The AC-HTC must contribute with a fee of 50 US dollars per year.