New Course – HTC TCenter South America
Knots and Suture in Lap Surgery – Subscriptions OPEN

HTC reaches 106 countries
Our Association is now presents in 106 countries around the world. Join us!

HTC Great Opportunity
Dear Members – we have a pleasure to announce our Association have got to a great partnership, which allow us to decrease significantly our annual
Members of the HTC, regularly enrolled in the Association official site. This category is free of annual fee and receive 5% discount in all Courses, Meetings, Congresses and related scientific HTC activities.
Those Members could progress for the next Member`s category participating in official HTC courses, meetings, congresses and others scientific activities, when the sum of the system points will reach 50 points. Each particular activity has your own value in points and this one will be informed immediately when the scientific activities will be released.
One of the goals of HTC is to allow to our members to have direct contact with outstanding Professors, in order to exchange technology and knowledge. These important itens need to get to all communities around the world in benefit of the populations and our surgeons must to be the tip of this revolutionary movement. So, HTC is the first surgical association to allow, for our members, the opportunity to learn directly with great surgical names across the planet. Returning to their cities, our surgeons and scientists for sure will lead a great scientific revolution, increasing the quality of life of the populations that used do not have access to advanced health care.
In order to participate, you must be an active member of HTC (from Fellow category on). You can register in the form on the next page.
Doubts please contact us.